5 Best Practices to Prepare Your Firm for New Cybersecurity & Compliance Regulations in 2023
Upcoming regulations from U.S. agencies will impact investment firms’ cybersecurity risk management, governance, and incident disclosure policies. Here are five cybersecurity best practices to stay ahead of the curve.

Why are Institutional Investors Embracing the Cloud and Stronger Cyber Controls Now?
Institutional investors are increasing their investment in IT infrastructure and embracing the latest technology advancements. Learn how institutions are better monitoring their investment performance and manage business risk with the help of IT.

5 Growing Cyber Risks Facing Hedge Fund and Private Equity Firms in 2023
With the rapid pace of technological change, cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to attack the financial sector. Learn more about the top five threats to your organization and how to prevent them.

Are You Still Using the Same Three Passwords from Five Years Ago? You are not alone.
Using weak or reused passwords can make it easier for hackers to guess your passwords. Reduce your risk by using a password manager to track and generate strong, unique passwords.

The Alarming Truth About Public Wi-Fi: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Public Wi-Fi can be a convenient way to access the internet on the go, but it can also be a security risk. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if you should be using public Wi-Fi.

Ransomware Prevention, Simplified
With the right policies and processes in place, you can significantly minimize your organization’s likelihood of falling victim to ransomware.

IT and Cybersecurity Teams Need to Work Together
Here’s what your IT and cybersecurity teams or provider should be managing for you.

Why Did we Acquire a Cybersecurity Firm?
In order to achieve our vision, we had to have the skills, methodology and overall infusion of cybersecurity leadership and discipline into our firm.

Internet Explorer Zero Day Vulnerability (ID CVE-2018-8653)
Read our security team’s debrief on the latest critical cybersecurity threat.

Why do clients call us?
Since founding Agio, potential clients come to us for almost always one reason, and it’s the same reason that led me to start Agio.

Digital Value is in the Eye of the Beholder
Sometimes, the information that’s given away has more value to the recipient than it does to you.

Lost Laptops; Lost Data
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security just because news of security breaches and data loss usually involve attacks on enterprise databases and mainframes. You’re equally vulnerable and exposed on the other end of the IT spectrum.

Contacting Law Enforcement Post Cyber-Attack
If your home or office were burglarized, your first step would be to call the police, but what happens if your hedge fund or private equity firm is the victim…

SEC Warns about Vendor Payments
There is new information regarding a type of Wire Transfer Fraud that we want clients to be aware of, and prepared to defend against. In the SEC’s report…

How to Stop Wire Transfer Fraud
Managed Detection & Response alerts catch the multi-faceted attacks the good guys are up against, saving you from falling victim to wire transfer fraud.

Detect Phishing: 101
Here are some helpful tips to spot phishing attempts, not only for hedge funds and private equity firms, but for all organizations.

Spear Phishing — A Threat to Hedge Funds & Private Equity Firms
The U.S. government recently confirmed Russian agents continue to use simple, yet effective spear phishing tactics against political targets, and it remains a looming threat to us all.

GDPR & What Financial Services Needs to Know
How does the EU’s GDPR apply to you? What challenges do you face to comply? Does the regulation really have teeth?

Top 5 Cybersecurity Risks for Private Equity
Private equity firms need to go beyond reactive SEC-compliance and focus on proactive protection of their firm assets.